
Simon is a library to help make working with MongoDB easier. django-imon was created to make it even easier to use Simon with your Django applications.


To install the latest stable version of django-simon:

$ pip install django-simon

or, if you must:

$ easy_install django-simon

To install the latest development version:

$ git clone
$ cd django-simon
$ python install

In addition to django-simon, this will also install:

  • Django (1.2 or later)
  • PyMongo (2.1 or later)
  • Simon


After installing django-simon, import it somewhere in your Django project, like in your file.

from django_simon import simonize()


simonize() will establish a connection to the database that will be used as the default database for any Model classes that you define.


simonize() looks for the following in your Django project’s settings:

MONGO_URI A MongoDB URI connection string specifying the database connection.
MONGO_HOST The hostname or IP address of the MongoDB server. default: ‘localhost’
MONGO_PORT The port of the MongoDB server. default: 27017
MONGO_DNAME The name of the database on MONGO_HOST. Default:
MONGO_USERNAME The username for authentication.
MONGO_PASSWORD The password for authentication.
MONGO_REPLICA_SET The name of the replica set.

The MONGO_URI setting will be used before checking any other settings. If it’s not present, the others will be used.

By default, simonize() will use MONGO as the prefix for all settings. This can be overridden by using the prefix argument.

Specifying a value for prefix will allow for the use of multiple databases.


MONGO_URI = 'mongodb://localhost/mongo'
SIMON_URI = 'mongodb://localhost/simon'



This will allow for the use of the mongo and simon databases on localhost. mongo will be available to models through the aliases default and mongo. simon will be available through the alias simon. This alias can be changed by using the alias argument.

simonize(prefix='SIMON', alias='other-database')


django_simon.simonize(prefix='MONGO', alias=None)

Automatically creates a connection for Simon models.

  • prefix (str) – (optional) the prefix of the settings
  • alias (str) – (optional) the alias to use for the database connection

New in version 0.1.0.

django_simon.get_list_or_404(model, *qs, **fields)

Finds and returns a single document, or raises a 404 exception.

This method will find documents within the specified model. If the specified query matches no documents, a 404 Not Found exception will be raised.

  • model (simon.Model) – the model class.
  • *qs (simon.query.Q) – logical queries.
  • **fields (kwargs) – keyword arguments specifying the query.

QuerySet – a query set of model instances.

django_simon.get_object_or_404(model, *qs, **fields)

Finds and returns a single document, or raises a 404 exception.

This method will find a single document within the specified model. If the specified query matches zero or multiple documents, a 404 Not Found exception will be raised.

  • model (simon.Model) – the model class.
  • *qs (simon.query.Q) – logical queries.
  • **fields (kwargs) – keyword arguments specifying the query.

Model – an instance of a model.

Full details of how to query using get_list_or_404() and get_object_or_404() can be found in the Simon API.

Further Reading

For more information, check out the Simon docs and the MongoDB docs.

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